Chopper engaged him in a fierce fight and won, allowing him to claim the Amiudake. Though Chopper knocked the leader aside, the reindeer got up and murderously attacked him from behind. He attacked Chopper in a rage of prejudice and spite, and Chopper was forced to fight back, willing himself to carry on and get the mushroom. Though most of the herd stopped and stared at him with silent scorn, the leader, a vicious older male whose forehead was covered in scars from combat, wanted to kill him for returning after the herd had cast him out. Chopper's arduous journey was a success, even though he risked his life and suffered many injuries, the worst of which occurred when during his journey into the wilderness, in order to get to the mushroom, which was growing atop a treacherous cliff, he had to cross through the territory of his old herd. Remembering what he overheard by some villagers that a "certain" type of mushroom can heal every illness, Chopper steals Hiriluk's favorite medical book to find the miracle mushroom. He soon found the cure he was looking for: an Amiudake, a special kind of mushroom with skull-and-crossbones prominently displayed in the medical book (although unaware of what that sign meant medically due to Hiriluk's praising of pirates and the Jolly Roger). Once Chopper found out what had happened, however, he vowed to find a cure for his mentor, his one, and only friend. When Hiriluk's health worsened, Chopper was left in the cold again as the old man did not want Chopper to watch him die.

The two went from house to house, administering their "cures" in a country where all doctors not sanctioned by King Wapol were banned. Hiriluk taught Chopper his philosophy on life (that all diseases could be cured) and his strong faith in the Jolly Roger as a symbol of strength against all odds. Although his deeds were of dubious medical value, Hiriluk became Chopper's role-model. Hiriluk, who named him and took him in as his friend and "assistant". Unfortunately for Chopper, his attempts at communicating with the humans on Drum Island proved disastrous, with the villagers mistaking him for a Yeti and shooting at him.

When the young reindeer ate the Hito Hito no Mi, however, his herd ostracized him (and with the increase in intelligence granted by the fruit, he was now acutely aware of it), and he struck out on his own.