For instance, for the Type 60 SPRG, I would set it up so that one group has the primary gun and its MG, and the second group has the other gun and its MG. These would be set up in the hangar, and you would be able to freely assign weapons to as many groups as you want, as well as pick which gun is the "main" gun which has the camera placed within it, for parallax purposes. Allow the player to make custom weapon groups that can be switched between in battle. The second solution is more involved, but will completely resolve the issue. Particuarly for vehicles where you may want to swap between weapons quickly, like with the Type 60 SPRG This will cover most of the niche cases missed by the current system and require two less key bindings, however it might be a little clunky in the heat of battle. You simply bind a key, which will then cycle through your available options in sequential order.

The first is the easiest, albiet doesn't completely solve the problem, change the weapon selection system to the kind currently used in air battles. There are two potential solutions to this problem. The current system makes many of these awkward to set up, or straight up impossible. Sometimes you want to have control of both your top mounted MG and your coaxial guns, like with the T34 Heavy, SU-122-54, M6A1, and other vehicles with heavy coaxial weapons. Other times you want to swap between primary and secondary while keeping control of your MGs regardless of the weapon choice, like with the M6A1 and Type 60 SPRG. However, for others, you want to swap between primary and secondary weapons, like the Chi-Ri. For most tanks, you want the option to switch between all weapons and specifically top mounted machine guns for use against aircraft. The current method for selecting weapons works for the vast majority of vehicles in the game, but there are a few niche cases where it's not ideal.